LinkedIn, invitations for your company’s growth


Learn about LinkedIn invitations, send them to your contacts to grow your business and make the most of this great networking tool.

LinkedIn introduced a growth tool called invitations, this will allow you to increase the number of followers of your business page by sending messages to your personal contacts.

Initially this feature appeared on profiles with few contacts, probably to avoid massive spam. Thus, our content editor with 100+ contacts could already invite her friends.

While our CEO with 1700+ contacts had to wait 3 more months to test the functionality, it is a tool that promises to expand and create new alliances. 

At HelloMrLead we have been using the tool for almost 3 months and we have managed not only to increase the number of followers, but also to learn how to use it 100%.

The results have been favorable and we have increased the number of followers from 311 to 561, a total of 250 people. Now, we give you some of our tricks so that you too can move forward. 

5 tips for using LinkedIn invitations

1. Credits: Each business page has “credits” – 100 per month – to exchange 1 credit for 1 invite. When someone accepts, you get 1 credit back so you can use it again.

Every last day of the month (May 31, June 30…) your 100 credits are renewed, the challenge is to invite at the beginning of the month the people who are likely to accept and leave the contacts who are less likely to be interested at the end.

As you can see, if we have obtained 250 new followers in 3 months (x100 credits per month), we have been very successful with the strategy. 

2. The daily limit of invitations: Originally you could only invite 25 people a day, but in June they have removed the limit so now you can do it without putting a brake on your strategy.

3. Lack of automation: Don’t waste your time with people who do something similar to you, look for strategic allies that allow you to create alliances, that is, improve the QUALITY of the invitations.

4. Increased engagement: If your actions keep you with the same or lower engagement you should make more effort with the quality of content, regularity of posting, automated disclosure and other tricks that encourage followers to interact.

5. The manual task: Keep track of the people you have approached, when searching for contacts it is important to maintain a follow-up posture towards them.

Create a list of contacts, mark those who have already responded effectively, those who are still on your waiting list and especially those who are not interested but are still targets for you.

Although this is a manual task that can take time, it will allow you to keep an order and create several strategies on how to approach and retarget those people who may not have been attracted to your content in the past.

Remember that the clearer and more classified you have these contacts, the better analysis of opportunities and improvements you will be able to demonstrate for your LinkedIn management.

In conclusion

LinkedIn invitations are a tool with the following characteristics:

  1. Free
  2. Efficient
  3. Easy to use
  4. Not abundant.

Combined with a good content strategy and common sense it provides the greatest reach. 

There is another postponed effect, since from a certain number the page will appear higher in searches and the growth will be more organic and easier. 

Do you already use this resource and are you getting good results? If you want to get good leads in your company or organization remember that we are experts in the field, contact us by clicking here and make your company grow.


Podcast, revolutionary marketing for your customers


The podcast as a marketing tool allows you to improve your strategy and your content. Learn how to evaluate your metrics here.

There are a lot of different procedures to make your company stand out, and more and more come out thanks to how broad marketing can be today.

While we continue to try numerous tools to generate marketing strategies for our customers, we bring them to you so that you have the opportunity to grow with your podcast.

What is a podcast and what is its relationship to marketing?

These are audio recordings broadcast via the internet. They are no longer remote, their concept was created several years ago with the intention of generating a radio on demand, placed in a digital place, where the user could listen to their content of interest at any time.

Today podcasts have reached a boom in popularity and that is why marketing has come to consider them a powerful tool to create valuable content and connect with a specific audience.


Marketing metrics in a podcast

The podcast as a marketing tool allows you to evaluate a series of specific metrics from which you can get information about your abilities to improve your strategy and content.

In the digital environment almost everything is monitored, so you can know the number of views you have, your percentage of subscriptions, interpret the profiles of your potential customers and much more.

Here are some of the metrics you want to pay attention to:


1. Calculate my relevance

A great strategy to calculate how effective your podcast is to be able to manipulate your results, that is, give numerical values to each action, assigning greater value the more scope generates that reaction: 

For example:

  • 1 point I like.
  • 2 points to comments.
  • 5 points to shares or downloads.

Thus generating a numerical value corresponding to the current of your graph according to your criteria, which typically, should increase by 5% in each week to consider profitable.

Remember that an increase in interactions with your digital content is a growth in its relevance to the internet user.

2. Number of downloads

Within the actions discussed above, the number of times your podcast is downloaded is an important symbol. You must understand that obtaining the file for offline listening is a special gesture that represents interest on the part of the user.

Fact that should guide you when managing the same; your strategies of monetization or audience management, and impact your decision-making.

In general you can consider it favorable to observe increases in this metric of 10% per week.

3. Growth of the community

You should start a social network linked to your podcast.  In this way you could observe the development of your leads (followers or proactive listeners who interact regularly with your podcast and are able to attract other followers).

4. Web traffic and organic traffic

It is important that your podcast has a website because it will let us know the traffic it generates, how many people come to it and how they behave, as well as other content such as links, information and conclusions about your podcast.

For example, knowing the number of people who enter your website and compare it with the number of views of the content, will help you know the percentage of people who do not listen to your podcast after accessing it.

To analyze your site there is a considerable amount of tools that includes the famous Google Analytics, SEMrush and Ahrefs.

5. Your listeners are potential customers

Analyzing how many of your listeners and how many of your guests are potential customers on your podcast is important.   

A subscription form for those who were interested in buying or hiring you, is a good idea, so you can have quality contact and loyalty.

This allows you to estimate the generated value of your podcast based on the number of leads you’ve achieved (the sum of values your business has acquired in X time).

6. Number of guests

This is a decisive metric when it comes to knowing if we are going in a good direction.

Analyzing the number of guests who respond positively to your invitations can inform us if the program is going well or if it is necessary to give it a twist to have the desired effect. 

If you have an excess of options in terms of receptive guests, you should value the quality of the guests and try to work with those you consider best, this will raise the cache of your podcast, improving its visibility and reputation.

7. Conversion of guests

Analyze your program’s effective invitations and see how they relate to them. For this we will observe data such as the invitations we receive from the guests, the mentions they make us or any other type of association that may occur.

This metric is perhaps more subjective, but it will help to know that we are on the right track. It gives us an expansion of our network of contacts and potential partners.

It is also very important when generating leads, since it allows us to know what is the approximate percentage of conversion based on the guests we have had. 


Is there anything that draws your attention to podcasts in particular? How about using this tool? Do you want to know how to launch it? Any questions you have will be addressed in the comments and resolved in future articles.


The strategy and organisation of a B2B newsletter step by step 1


Every day the inbox of our email gets full of messages of which only a small part arouse our interest. To ensure that your newsletter does not fall into the oblivion of our recipients and is perceived as valuable content, it is important to define a clear and concrete strategy before launching the shipments.

At HelloMrLead we have been working in this area for years, and after many trials and errors we have developed a method that works. Here we wanted to show you the strategy and organisation of a B2B newsletter step by step, to ensure you that all your work and time invested do not fall on deaf ears and your broadcasts do not end up in the junk mail of your contacts. By following these useful tips you will achieve one of the most important objectives of newsletters: to add value and that readers are really interested in receiving it. Let’s get started!


Clean and structure the databases


As we have just mentioned, at the moment we are composing a newsletter it is important to have previously created a strategy based on our objectives. In this way, the ideas you want to convey will be clear and it will be easier to select the content and posts that are most convenient to reinforce them.


The creation of a strategy begins by defining our databases, in the first place, we must divide our contact list into different databases according to their characteristics. In our case and given the particularities of our services, we have made four classifications:


  • Former clients.
  • Current clients.
  • Potencial national clients.
  • Potencial international clients.


During this division, factors such the size of the companies that our clients work in or the existence of international contacts, must be taken into account. Keep in mind it is not the same to address a multinational with headquarters located in different countries than a small company whose market is limited to the national or regional scope. Our messages and content will have to vary, as if our database contains contacts of different nationalities to which it is important that we address ourselves in the corresponding language.


Define the metrics, KPI’s and goals of your newsletter


The second step in the composition of our newsletter consists of defining the metrics that we are going to measure and the KPI’s and goals that will be taken into account in the emails that we will send to each of the databases that we have defined. Is everything clear? Before continuing we are going to clarify the following concepts. Metrics refer to messages that have been sent, delivered, opened, and the CTR or click rate. In this way, it is possible to measure from the sent messages how many have been delivered; of those delivered, how many have been opened, and of these, how many have been clicked within the newsletter. The KPI’s represent the most important indicators and they have a very specific purpose to find out if it is above, below or aligned with the desired goal. Finally, the goal represents the objective we want to convey.


At HelloMrLead, two of the databases that we work the most are those of our former clients, those to whom one day we provided our services and we would love for them to become part of our portfolio again; and the current clients we want to take care of so that they stay with us as long as possible. Taking to account these two criteria, we have defined the KPI’s and goals by the next way:


  • Databases of former clients:


KPI’s: the open rate of the newsletter is higher than 20% and the click rate is higher than 5%.


Goal: for each monthly sending the newsletter, a potential former client is interested again in receiving the services of HelloMrLead.


  • Databases of clients:


KPI’s: the open rate of the newsletter is higher than 60% and the click rate is higher than 20%.


Goal: 100% of the sent emails are delivered.


In your case, you can set the KPI’s and goals that fit the situation of your company, and remember that you should also consider the size of your database. If it is not very large yet, it will be difficult for the open and click rates to reach high numbers, while if it is made up of a large number of contacts, it will be possible to propose more optimistic rates.


Define the ideas, the messages and the objective you want to convey to each database


Once our metrics have been established, we reach the third step in which we will have to do a briefing directed at each of our databases. At this point, the three ideas we want to convey should be defined, as well as the messages that we will develop. It is important that we are clear that the ideas will be transmitted constantly through the sending of each newsletter, while the messages will be used to reinforce those ideas.


In this way, we can define the messages as those that we try to convey as advertising, such as, for example, the intention that we want the person receiving the message to internalise. In addition, the ideas will be constant throughout the year, while the messages may vary depending on the news and the different events.


The time has come to define the three main ideas and the messages that we will transfer to each of our databases. At this point of the process, at HelloMrLead we always take into account the social context in which we find ourselves, the situation of the sector and, of course, which are our purposes, we advise you to make this reflection before continuing!


  • Databases of former clients:


Ideas: growth, knowledge and security.


Messages: since we lost the relationship we have continued to grow and become even stronger; we have expanded our knowledge and we are capable of doing great work.


  • Databases of clients:


3 main ideas: innovation, strength and leadership.


Messages: we adapt to social changes, we continue to advance with new products and services and we are a reference for the sector.


Define the structure of your newsletter


To finish the strategy and organisation of a B2B newsletter step by step, we reach the last point. This section refers to the different parts that will comprise it and among them, the temporal factor stands out, in the first place, in which we will include a current news related to the sector or a recent company event.


Then, a pill of knowledge, since the newsletter will be accompanied by a post that will attract the reader’s attention and add value. In this step, the correct division of the databases that we have previously made is essential for us to be successful with the content that we will send later. And, finally, we must also decide which lead agent is to be sent in each newsletter to each of the databases and with which idea or objective. Some of the lead magnets that are used more frequently to attract potential clients are the ebooks, guides, editable templates, checklist, online curses or discounts.


At the time of making the sending, the chosen platform also counts. We have made a classification with three tools we consider more useful:


Before finishing, one of our last tips that we want to give you is that you make an inventory of resources that you will have and you will be able to translate in your shipping calendar, a good option to do this is to classify the posts that you have already published on your blog, associating them with the ideas you have defined. If you visit the blog of HelloMrLead you will see a variety of topics related to B2B marketing.


Here we show you our classification of the most recent articles related to our brainstorming:


Idea: “Innovation”

Resucitamos el mercado de marketing B2B en este 2020

Lleva a tu lead a nuevo nivel

Ventas B2B es una cuestión de métricas

La mecanización de los procesos comerciales



Have you found this post useful? If you want to expand the information you can also check our article “Define your metrics, KPI’s and objectives”, in which we talk about this topic. And if you want us to help you do not hesitate to contact us through the web so  that you can attract the attention of your clients and potential clients and you can convey them your full potential. 


Lead Nurturing explained on client’s case


The concept of Lead Nurturing has become a new Game of Thrones in b2b marketing sector: everyone is talking about it and no one really knows what is going to happen next. But one thing can be said for sure: even what appears to be a completely lost case can still be won over with some good strategy applied at the right moment.


So we at HelloMrLead decided to check it out and were surprised by the results obtained! Long story short, in just one week we literally resurrected more than 15 contacts and at least two of them converted in valid leads approved by client. Let’s see if we can do better!


So we got ourselves a client, an expert in managing loyalty programmes in retail sector. Last year we generated some leads for them, but others didn’t work out or just dropped out. The response rate obtained from the lead scoring campaigns in March for the very same client never exceeded 15%, in some cases dropping to 4,6%.


For the lead nurturing campaign our KPI was to get use of dead-end contacts. Not exactly a measurable one, but worth trying and nothing to lose.


Then, right on Holy week (dead season in Spain, so to say) we launched a sequence of 5 e-mails enriched with highly useful content from the client’s own blog: 2 of them dedicated to the buyer person, 2 more – to whatever contact you can get and the 5th “one-size-fits-all” just in case.


What’s point writing to a person who apparently lost interest in your product on a week that everyone goes on vacation, you’d ask sarcastically?


Leads, the statistics will speak louder than words


– Of a 100 conversations initiated we got 15 positive replies (most are still being followed up, such as Mercadona, BonArea, SPRINTER or Inditex).

– Among those who turned into leads were Solmania and Adolfo Dominguez, companies that could potentially close deals worth several times the campaign price.

– The “just in case” mail copy lead to at least TWO positive replies, while the most statistically efficient channel happened to be that “other contact” we did not rely on too much.


Inspired by the results we decided to extend the practice to our other campaigns currently in progress or about to be initiated. And here are some tips that may help you do the same:


  1. Don’t hesitate to remind of yourself. That is, not to be annoying, a great way to get use of your previous work that seemed fruitless.
  2. Be helpful. No one would ever respond to our e-mails if they weren’t offering any expertise or unique content. If a client doesn’t have a blog to base on, help him create one.
  3. Stay up to date. Holidays are a great opportunity to update and prosper, as your clients will have plenty of time to read, whilst the eve is perfect to force the decision making.
  4. Don’t throw away possibilities. Even if you know an MQL or SQL and focus the campaign on nurturing that particular contact, it’s always worth trying other approaches.
  5. Improvise. After all, this is not a tightly scheduled scientific experiment, there’s always a room for split-testing campaigns, personalized ideas and ad hoc management.

The Ultimate Guide to CMO Priorities for Driving Growth in 2024

Un grupo de personas en un escritorio intercambiando ideas para el crecimiento de la CMO, con notas adhesivas en la pared.

In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, the role of Chief Marketing Officers (CMOs) has become more critical than ever. As companies strive to drive growth and stay ahead of the competition, CMOs are at the forefront of formulating strategies and making key decisions that directly impact the bottom line. To navigate the complexities of the marketing world and achieve success in 2024, CMOs must prioritize their efforts and focus on key areas. This comprehensive guide aims to shed light on the CMO’s key priorities for driving growth and provide actionable insights for success.

Driving Growth: CMO’s Key Priorities

Driving growth is a multifaceted endeavor that requires CMOs to adopt a holistic approach. By identifying the key priorities that lead to growth, CMOs can chart a clear path towards success. The following areas should be at the top of every CMO’s agenda:

Boosting Pipeline: Strategies for Success

A robust sales pipeline is the lifeblood of any business, and CMOs play a crucial role in driving its growth. By implementing effective lead generation strategies and optimizing lead nurturing processes, CMOs can ensure a steady stream of high-quality leads for the sales team. Collaborating closely with sales and aligning marketing efforts with revenue goals are essential to boosting the pipeline.

One effective strategy for boosting the pipeline is through content marketing. By creating valuable and informative content that resonates with the target audience, CMOs can attract potential customers and generate leads. This can be done through blog posts, whitepapers, case studies, and other forms of content that address the pain points and challenges of the target market.

Another important aspect of boosting the pipeline is leveraging social media platforms. CMOs can utilize social media channels to engage with potential customers, share valuable content, and build brand awareness. By actively participating in relevant industry discussions and establishing thought leadership, CMOs can position their company as a trusted authority, attracting more leads to the pipeline.

Maximizing Budget: Smart Investments for ROI

CMOs face the ongoing challenge of allocating marketing budgets effectively to maximize return on investment (ROI). By leveraging data-driven insights and investing in high-impact marketing channels, CMOs can optimize their budgets and achieve greater results. Additionally, prioritizing experimentation and testing new marketing tactics can uncover untapped opportunities for growth.

One effective way to maximize the budget is through performance marketing. By closely monitoring the performance of marketing campaigns and channels, CMOs can allocate resources to the most effective channels that generate the highest ROI. This can be done by analyzing key metrics such as conversion rates, cost per acquisition, and customer lifetime value.

Another strategy for maximizing the budget is through strategic partnerships and collaborations. CMOs can identify synergistic companies or influencers in their industry and explore opportunities for joint marketing initiatives. By pooling resources and leveraging each other’s audience, CMOs can reach a wider target market and generate more leads without significantly increasing the marketing budget.

Converting Leads: Techniques for Success

Converting leads into paying customers is a constant pursuit for CMOs. By implementing a comprehensive lead conversion strategy and leveraging marketing automation tools, CMOs can efficiently guide prospects through the sales funnel and increase conversion rates. Personalization and targeted messaging tailored to specific buyer personas can significantly enhance the effectiveness of lead conversion efforts.

One effective technique for lead conversion is through lead nurturing campaigns. CMOs can create a series of automated emails that are triggered based on the prospect’s behavior and engagement with the brand. These emails can provide valuable information, address common objections, and offer incentives to encourage the prospect to take the next step in the buying process.

Another technique for lead conversion is through social proof. CMOs can leverage customer testimonials, case studies, and reviews to build trust and credibility with potential customers. By showcasing the success stories of existing customers, CMOs can alleviate any doubts or concerns that prospects may have and increase the likelihood of conversion.

Increasing ARPU: Strategies for Revenue Growth

Average Revenue Per User (ARPU) is a critical metric that CMOs must focus on to drive revenue growth. By analyzing customer behavior, identifying upsell and cross-sell opportunities, and implementing personalized pricing strategies, CMOs can increase customer lifetime value and ultimately boost ARPU. The growth in ARPU directly translates to higher revenue and profitability.

One strategy for increasing ARPU is through upselling and cross-selling. CMOs can analyze the purchasing patterns and preferences of existing customers to identify additional products or services that may be of interest to them. By offering personalized recommendations and incentives, CMOs can encourage customers to upgrade their purchases or make additional purchases, thereby increasing their average spend per user.

Another strategy for increasing ARPU is through pricing optimization. CMOs can conduct market research and competitor analysis to determine the optimal price points for their products or services. By implementing dynamic pricing strategies, CMOs can adjust prices based on factors such as demand, seasonality, and customer segments, maximizing revenue without sacrificing customer satisfaction.

Retaining Customers: Building Long-Term Relationships

Customer retention is equally important as customer acquisition for driving growth. CMOs must prioritize building long-term relationships with customers by implementing effective customer loyalty and retention programs. By personalizing customer experiences, delivering exceptional customer service, and continuously engaging with customers, CMOs can foster loyalty and advocacy, leading to higher retention rates.

One effective way to retain customers is through personalized communication. CMOs can leverage customer data and segmentation to tailor their marketing messages and offers to individual customers. By sending personalized emails, offering exclusive discounts, and providing relevant content, CMOs can make customers feel valued and appreciated, increasing their loyalty to the brand.

Another strategy for customer retention is through proactive customer support. CMOs can implement a robust customer support system that is easily accessible and responsive. By promptly addressing customer inquiries, resolving issues, and going above and beyond to exceed customer expectations, CMOs can build trust and loyalty, reducing the likelihood of churn.

Overcoming Obstacles: Challenges Faced by CMOs

While the path to driving growth may seem straightforward, CMOs face numerous challenges that can hinder their efforts. By being aware of these challenges and proactively addressing them, CMOs can overcome obstacles and achieve their goals. The following are some of the most significant challenges that CMOs may encounter:

One of the key challenges that CMOs face is navigating the future. The marketing landscape is constantly evolving, and CMOs must stay ahead of the curve to drive growth effectively. It is crucial for CMOs to keep a pulse on emerging trends and predict future shifts in consumer behavior and market dynamics. By doing so, CMOs can adapt their strategies and stay agile in an ever-changing environment.

In the year 2024, CMOs will need to embrace technologies like artificial intelligence, machine learning, and automation to stay competitive. These technologies have the potential to revolutionize the way marketing campaigns are executed and consumer insights are gathered. By leveraging AI and machine learning algorithms, CMOs can analyze vast amounts of data to gain valuable insights into consumer preferences and behavior. Automation, on the other hand, can streamline repetitive tasks and free up time for CMOs to focus on strategic initiatives.

However, adopting these technologies is not without its challenges. CMOs will need to navigate the complexities of implementing AI and machine learning systems within their organizations. They will need to ensure that the data being used is accurate, reliable, and ethically sourced. Additionally, CMOs will need to address any concerns around data privacy and security to build trust with their customers.

Another challenge that CMOs may face is the increasing demand for personalized marketing experiences. Consumers today expect brands to deliver tailored messages and experiences that resonate with their individual needs and preferences. CMOs must find ways to collect and analyze customer data to create personalized marketing campaigns that cut through the noise and deliver relevant content to the right audience at the right time.

Furthermore, CMOs must also navigate the ever-expanding digital landscape. With the rise of social media, mobile devices, and other digital platforms, CMOs need to develop strategies that effectively engage consumers across multiple channels. This requires a deep understanding of each platform and its unique characteristics, as well as the ability to create cohesive and consistent brand experiences across all touchpoints.

Lastly, CMOs must also overcome internal challenges within their organizations. They need to build strong relationships with other departments, such as sales, finance, and IT, to ensure alignment and collaboration. CMOs must effectively communicate the value of marketing initiatives and secure the necessary resources and support from other stakeholders.

In conclusion, the role of a CMO is not without its challenges. However, by staying ahead of emerging trends, embracing technology, personalizing marketing experiences, navigating the digital landscape, and fostering internal collaboration, CMOs can overcome these obstacles and drive growth for their organizations.

Accelerating Pipeline: Unleashing the Power of Next Best Action

To accelerate the pipeline and drive growth, CMOs should harness the power of next best action. By leveraging data and advanced analytics, CMOs can identify the most effective actions to take at each stage of the customer journey. Implementing personalized and timely interactions with prospects based on predictive models can significantly increase conversion rates and revenue.

Imagine a scenario where a potential customer visits your website for the first time. They navigate through your product pages, read some blog posts, and even add a few items to their shopping cart. However, they hesitate to make a purchase and leave your site without completing the transaction. This is a missed opportunity, but with the power of next best action, you can turn this situation around.

By analyzing the customer’s behavior on your website, you can gain valuable insights into their preferences and intentions. With this information, you can create personalized recommendations and targeted offers that are tailored to their specific needs. For example, you can send them an email with a special discount on the items they added to their cart, enticing them to come back and complete the purchase.

But the power of next best action doesn’t stop there. As the customer continues their journey, you can continue to engage them with relevant and timely interactions. For instance, if they have been browsing your blog posts about a particular topic, you can send them a personalized email with additional resources or a webinar invitation related to that topic. This not only helps to build a stronger relationship with the customer but also positions your brand as a trusted source of information and expertise.

Furthermore, by leveraging predictive models, you can anticipate the customer’s future needs and proactively reach out to them with relevant offers. For example, if a customer has purchased a smartphone from your online store, you can use predictive analytics to identify when they are likely to upgrade their device. Armed with this knowledge, you can send them a targeted email or push notification with exclusive deals on the latest smartphone models, increasing the likelihood of a repeat purchase.

It’s important to note that the power of next best action is not limited to digital interactions. CMOs can also apply this strategy to offline channels, such as direct mail or in-store experiences. By integrating data from various touchpoints, you can create a seamless omnichannel experience for your customers, where every interaction feels personalized and relevant.

In conclusion, by harnessing the power of next best action, CMOs can accelerate the pipeline and drive growth. By leveraging data, advanced analytics, and predictive models, CMOs can create personalized and timely interactions with prospects at each stage of the customer journey. This not only increases conversion rates and revenue but also helps to build stronger relationships with customers and position your brand as a trusted source of information and expertise.

The Critical Role of Early Stage Pipeline in Revenue Success

The early stage pipeline plays a pivotal role in revenue success. CMOs must focus on filling the top of the funnel with high-quality leads and ensuring seamless handoffs to the sales team. By implementing effective lead nurturing strategies and optimizing early-stage processes, CMOs can fuel revenue growth and set the foundation for long-term success.

When it comes to revenue success, the early stage pipeline acts as the lifeblood of a company’s sales and marketing efforts. It is the starting point where potential customers are identified and engaged. CMOs understand the significance of this stage and the impact it can have on the overall revenue generation process.

One of the key responsibilities of a CMO is to ensure that the top of the funnel is constantly filled with high-quality leads. These leads are the foundation upon which revenue growth is built. CMOs must employ various lead generation strategies to attract the right prospects and convert them into potential customers.

However, filling the pipeline with leads is just the first step. CMOs must also ensure that there is a seamless handoff between the marketing and sales teams. This handoff is crucial to maintain the momentum and ensure that leads are effectively nurtured and guided through the sales process.

Lead nurturing is a critical component of revenue success. CMOs must develop and implement effective lead nurturing strategies to keep potential customers engaged and interested in the company’s offerings. This involves personalized communication, targeted content, and timely follow-ups to build trust and credibility.

Optimizing early-stage processes is another key aspect of revenue success. CMOs need to constantly evaluate and refine their lead generation and nurturing strategies to maximize results. This may involve leveraging data and analytics to identify areas for improvement, testing different approaches, and adopting innovative technologies to streamline the early-stage pipeline.

By focusing on the early stage pipeline, CMOs can lay the groundwork for long-term revenue success. A well-nurtured and optimized pipeline not only generates immediate revenue but also sets the stage for future growth. It allows companies to build a strong customer base, establish brand loyalty, and create a sustainable revenue stream.

In conclusion, the critical role of the early stage pipeline in revenue success cannot be overstated. CMOs must prioritize filling the top of the funnel with high-quality leads, ensuring seamless handoffs to the sales team, implementing effective lead nurturing strategies, and optimizing early-stage processes. By doing so, they can fuel revenue growth and set the foundation for long-term success.

Demystifying AI and ML: Understanding the Key Differences

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are two buzzworthy terms that are often used interchangeably. However, understanding the key differences between the two is essential for CMOs. AI refers to the broader concept of machines imitating human intelligence, while ML is a subset of AI that focuses on algorithms and statistical models. CMOs can leverage AI and ML technologies to gain valuable insights, automate processes, and drive growth in 2024.

When it comes to AI, it encompasses a wide range of technologies and applications that aim to replicate human intelligence. This includes natural language processing, computer vision, robotics, and expert systems. AI systems are designed to understand, reason, learn, and make decisions based on the data they are fed. They can analyze vast amounts of information, detect patterns, and make predictions or recommendations.

On the other hand, ML is a specific branch of AI that focuses on algorithms and statistical models. It involves training machines to learn from data and improve their performance over time without being explicitly programmed. ML algorithms can automatically identify patterns and make predictions or decisions based on the patterns they have learned. This technology is particularly useful in areas such as predictive analytics, fraud detection, recommendation systems, and image recognition.

CMOs can benefit greatly from leveraging AI and ML technologies in their marketing strategies. By harnessing the power of AI, they can gain valuable insights into customer behavior, preferences, and trends. AI-powered analytics tools can analyze vast amounts of data from various sources, such as social media, customer interactions, and market research, to provide actionable insights that can drive marketing campaigns and strategies.

ML, on the other hand, can help CMOs automate processes and make data-driven decisions. By training ML models on historical data, CMOs can predict customer behavior, optimize pricing strategies, personalize marketing messages, and identify the most effective channels for reaching their target audience. ML algorithms can continuously learn and adapt to changing market conditions, allowing CMOs to stay ahead of the competition and drive growth.

As CMOs navigate the challenges and opportunities of 2024, focusing on driving growth and prioritizing key areas will be paramount. By boosting the pipeline, maximizing budget allocation, converting leads, increasing average revenue per user (ARPU), and retaining customers, CMOs can steer their organizations towards sustained growth. Overcoming challenges, embracing emerging trends, and leveraging the power of AI and ML will further solidify CMOs’ positions as key drivers of growth in the years to come.

Furthermore, AI and ML technologies are constantly evolving and improving. In the future, CMOs can expect even more advanced AI systems that can understand and interpret human emotions, enabling more personalized and empathetic marketing experiences. ML algorithms will become more sophisticated, allowing for more accurate predictions and recommendations. The integration of AI and ML with other emerging technologies, such as augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR), will open up new possibilities for immersive and interactive marketing campaigns.

However, as AI and ML become more prevalent in the marketing landscape, CMOs must also address ethical considerations. Ensuring the responsible and ethical use of AI and ML technologies is crucial to maintain customer trust and avoid potential pitfalls. CMOs must be mindful of issues such as data privacy, algorithmic bias, and transparency in AI decision-making processes.

In conclusion, AI and ML are powerful technologies that can revolutionize the marketing industry. Understanding the differences between AI and ML is essential for CMOs to effectively leverage these technologies and drive growth in 2024. By embracing AI and ML, CMOs can gain valuable insights, automate processes, and make data-driven decisions that will propel their organizations towards sustained success.

Understanding B2B Product Marketing Features, Benefits and Results

B2B product marketing strategy image

Within the B2B Product Marketing universe, where SEO plays an essential role, it is vital to distinguish between features, benefits and results. This differentiation not only improves communication with customers but can also boost search engine performance.

What are Features, Benefits and Results?

Before delving deeper, it is essential to establish a clear definition of these terms:

Feature: Refers to a specific function or attribute of a product or service. It is the “what” behind what you are offering.

Benefit: It is the “why” behind the feature, i.e., what the customer gets from that feature.

Outcome: It is the “what for” or the ultimate impact the customer will experience after using the product or service.


The Importance of Distinction

Feature alone rarely sells a product. For example, if you sell software with “256-bit encryption,” that’s a feature. But what does that mean to your customer, and why should they care? That’s where the benefits and results come in.

Let’s say that software protects the customer’s data. That’s a benefit. If that data protection means a company won’t face fines for regulatory non-compliance or lose the trust of its customers, that’s an outcome.

Comparison Chart

To better visualize the difference between these three terms, let’s consider the following table:

Feature Benefit Outcome
Fuel-efficient engine Reduces fuel consumption Long-term savings and reduced environmental impact
Advanced encryption software Protects information and data Peace of mind and regulatory compliance
24/7 customer service Always-available support Reduced downtime and enhanced user experience


From Data to Real Value

The transition from feature to benefit and ultimately to outcome is essentially the process of taking the potential customer from a simple data or specification to understanding the real, tangible value of the product.

Case Study: Project Management Software

Feature: Integration with other popular software tools.

Benefit: No need to switch between different platforms, which saves time.

Result: More productive teams, faster project completion and higher ROI for the company.

Implementing in Marketing Strategies

For product marketing teams, understanding these concepts is just the first step. The real magic happens when they are effectively incorporated into marketing strategies and campaigns.

Audience Segmentation: By understanding what benefits and results are most valuable to specific segments of your audience, you can customize your message to resonate with them more effectively.

Content Creation: Whether it’s blogs, videos, webinars or brochures, focus on how your product or service improves the customer’s life.

Testimonials and Case Studies: These are perfect for illustrating results. A customer who can say, “Thanks to this product, we have increased our sales by 25%” is pure gold.


In the world of B2B product marketing, it is essential not to get caught up in features alone. While they are important, it is the benefit and ultimately the outcome that really sells. By clearly breaking down and understanding these differences, marketing teams can create more resonant, effective and successful campaigns.

This journey from feature to outcome is essential to converting prospects into real customers and getting them to understand, value and ultimately buy your product or service.

The Impact of CRM on B2B Goodwill: Deciphering Intangible Value

The Impact of CRM on B2B Goodwill

The Hidden Value of CRM in B2B Goodwill: Beyond the Data

Having explored in previous articles the depth and breadth of data in a CRM and the external sources that can enrich these systems, it’s time to delve into a key piece for any B2B company: goodwill. This intangible, which reflects reputation, clientele, and the overall value that a company represents beyond its tangible assets, can be better understood and evaluated through the intelligent use of CRM.

1.Goodwill in B2B: A Vital Definition

 What is goodwill and why is it crucial?

Goodwill refers to the intangible value paid for in a business acquisition that exceeds the net value of the company’s assets and liabilities. It is a reflection of the trust, reputation and customer relationships that a company has built over the years.

2. CRM Data: The Bridge to Understanding Intangible Value

How Data Reveals the Goodwill Story

Modern CRMs, powered by external sources such as Google Trends, Google Analytics and LinkedIn Sales Navigator, offer deeper insights into customer behavior, preferences and loyalty. This information is vital to determining and increasing the value of goodwill.

3. External Tools and their Influence on Goodwill Evaluation

Google Trends and market perception

The popularity of search terms related to the company or industry can indicate the relevance and positioning of a brand in the market.

Google Analytics and customer loyalty

Analysis of user interaction with the website, dwell time and bounce rate can provide clues to customer satisfaction and loyalty.

LinkedIn Sales Navigator and the Strength of B2B Relationships

By analyzing connections, recommendations and feedback on this platform, you can have an indicator of the strength and quality of business relationships.

4. Strategies for Maximizing Goodwill Using CRM

Personalization and Prediction

Use data to offer personalized solutions to your customers and anticipate their needs.

Monitoring and Adaptation

CRMs allow you to track trends and adapt your strategy to maintain and grow your reputation in the marketplace.


The digital age has transformed not only how we do business, but how we measure and value our most intangible assets. Through the intelligent and strategic use of CRMs and external data sources, B2B companies can get a clearer picture of their true value in the marketplace, allowing them to not only maintain but also increase their goodwill.

Integrating External Sources into CRM: Maximizing Analysis and Strategy

External Sources into CRM

Continuing our series on optimizing the use of CRM, in this article we will dive into how integrating external data sources can enrich our analysis and strategies. CRM platforms such as Hubspot and Salesforce not only allow us to analyze internal data, but can also be integrated with external tools to provide a broader and more complete view.

1. Google Trends: Understanding Market Popularity

Why integrate with CRM

Google Trends shows the popularity of search terms over time. By integrating it with your CRM, you can identify emerging trends and adapt your marketing and sales strategies accordingly.

How it works with Hubspot and Salesforce

Both platforms allow integration through APIs and marketplace applications, allowing you to visualize Google Trends data along with lead and customer data.

2. Google Analytics: Analyzing Web Traffic and User Behavior

Powering Analytics with Traffic Data

Integrating Google Analytics with your CRM provides you with information about how visitors interact with your website before they become leads or customers. This can help you understand and improve the customer journey.

Hubspot and Salesforce integration

Both CRMs offer easy integrations with Google Analytics. This allows sales and marketing teams to access valuable web traffic data directly in their CRM dashboards.

3. LinkedIn Sales Navigator: Strengthening Prospecting and B2B Relationships

The Connection Between Social Media and CRM

LinkedIn Sales Navigator is a powerful tool for B2B prospecting. By integrating it with your CRM, you can enrich lead profiles with LinkedIn information and track interactions with key accounts.

The Synergy with Hubspot and Salesforce

Both Hubspot and Salesforce offer apps and plugins that enable seamless integration with LinkedIn Sales Navigator, providing teams with a 360° view of contacts.

4. Other Valuable Integrations

Marketing Automation Tools

Platforms like Marketo, Pardot and Mailchimp can connect to your CRM to improve email marketing campaigns and segmentation.
Customer Service Solutions

Integrating tools like Zendesk or ServiceNow allows for more effective tracking of customer requests and issues.

Integrating external data sources into your CRM expands insight, improves analytics and enhances your business strategy. Modern CRM platforms, such as Hubspot and Salesforce, offer a robust ecosystem for these integrations, allowing B2B companies to stay ahead of the curve in an increasingly digitized and data-driven world.

Discover the Value of Your CRM Data with Hubspot and Salesforce in B2B


Discover the Hidden Treasure in Your CRM Data

In the age of data analytics, B2B companies using CRM platforms, such as Hubspot and Salesforce, have a gold mine at their fingertips. How? By analyzing the effectiveness of their customer relationship management. However, many companies don’t take full advantage of this treasure trove. Let’s explore how you can unearth this valuable data and use it to drive business growth.

1. Lead Owner: Identifying the Performance of Your Representatives

Most of the time, the BDR (Business Development Representative) is the owner of the lead. It is vital to analyze their performance on a regular basis:

Look at monthly trends and how they have performed.

Analyze performance by country, lead source, channel and company size.

Consider lead volume and conversion rate to qualified leads and opportunities.

The goal is to identify fluctuations or outliers and understand the reasons for them. From there, the causes can be identified and corrective action can be taken.


2. Country Analysis: Optimizing Your Global Investment

Performance can vary significantly from country to country. By analyzing data by country, you can:

Verify whether your investment in a specific market is paying off.

Identify regions with surprisingly high or low conversion rates.

Drill down to understand the best performance in that region and address fluctuations.


3. Trends: Beyond Point-in-Time Numbers

Trends offer a broader perspective:

Examine MQL (Marketing Qualified Leads) volume and opportunities.

Look at conversion rate trends and year-over-year comparisons.

It is critical to visualize this data. Figures in tables can be difficult to interpret, while graphs allow you to see trends and changes clearly.

Pro Tip: CRM tools, such as Hubspot and Salesforce, offer advanced reporting and visualization capabilities. Use them to create interactive charts and graphs.


The Magic of a Unified Dashboard.

By consolidating all this data into a single dashboard, you’re likely to come up with questions or answers you hadn’t considered before. This holistic view allows you to make decisions based on facts, rather than assumptions or feelings.


The key to success in the contemporary B2B (Business-to-Business) world lies in a company’s ability to make the most of the vast amount of data available and, even more importantly, the ability to transform that data into concrete, strategic actions. CRM tools, such as HubSpot and Salesforce, are much more than just platforms for recording information; they are veritable knowledge mines that allow us to uncover the underlying stories and trends hidden in the data.

Diving into the numbers, into this vast ocean of information, is the first step to uncovering the hidden treasure that can drive your company’s growth and success. It’s not just about accumulating data for the sake of accumulating it, it’s about understanding what it means and applying that knowledge to make informed, strategic decisions.

When you dive into that data, you can identify patterns in your customers’ behavior, market trends, areas for improvement in your business processes and emerging opportunities. This gives you a crucial competitive advantage, allowing you to proactively adapt to changing market demands and anticipate your customers’ needs.

Ultimately, orienting your strategy toward a brighter, data-driven future means using data analytics as a compass to guide your decisions. It allows you to personalize your offers and messages to meet the individual needs of your customers, optimize your internal operations, and ultimately improve your company’s efficiency and profitability.

In short, in today’s business environment, the ability to extract value from data and convert that value into strategic actions is a critical element for success in B2B. Don’t underestimate the power of your CRM tools or the potential of the data you collect; they are the keys that can open the door to a brighter, more competitive future for your company.

Voice marketing, your ally in your digital strategy

voice marketing

What does voice marketing consist of?

In the last decade, audiovisual content has taken on a leading role in our lives. Most people prefer this type of content, especially the younger ones.

Voice marketing is one of the marketing strategies that are emerging in the business world.

This type of strategy is based on highlighting sound instead of images or video. In this way, audio can appeal to feelings and provoke emotions in the listener.

Thanks to this technique, the listener will remember the audio content more strongly.

Podcasts have become one of the most popular forms of content in recent times. Most companies have implemented this type of information as it attracts a large audience of all ages.

Audio is booming thanks to the podcast trend and is attracting more and more young people.

Although radio could be considered the same format, the latter is experiencing growth as it can be listened to at any time and adapts to the lives of listeners.

Advantages of a voice marketing strategy

The proximity and flexibility provided by voice marketing are just some of the reasons why you should consider implementing this content in your company.

Here is a list that will help you decide if this type of information is suitable for your company:

  • Accessible.
  • Multiplatform.
  • Timeless.
  • Personalized content.
  • Attraction of new leads.
  • Increased traffic and number of sales.
  • Market segmentation.
  • Knowledge about the participation of your customers.
  • Better message reception.
  • Presence.
  • Building a successful brand.



Although podcasts are the most popular type of content due to their boom in recent years, there are numerous formats in which you can publish your content.

Here are some of the platforms you can choose depending on your needs, those of your audience, and the market.

This type of format is ideal for promoting purchases focused on a company’s customers, as it can address various specific topics. It also helps to build consumer loyalty and promote the emergence of a business sector.

  • Audiobook.

This format is perfect for companies involved in the cultural, entertainment or e-learning sectors. In recent years, it has been in great demand as it encourages readers in the cultural field.

  • Audiogram.

This format is a combination of audio and graphics, it is the perfect element for your consumers to understand certain more complicated information or to promote it in email marketing.

When you decide to create this type of content, you must take into account the budget you have.

Although this format is usually quite cheap since you only have to create the content and upload it, you should think about the equipment you will need to create good content.

Depending on the format you choose, your budget will increase or be quite low. In our case, we recommend you start with podcasts, as they have a great reception and a low budget.

Growth and trends

This technique is experiencing a remarkable boom due to audience segmentation. As we have mentioned, one of the star elements is the podcast.

The advertising investment of the past decade in this format had an increase of 36.8%.

By 2023, this sector is expected to exceed $2 billion in revenue.

For this reason, corporate podcasts grew in 2020, as almost 600 were launched. In 2021, the figure reached 8,000 in August, and this is due to the good valuation of this type of content by users.

As we all know, this world is constantly growing and is positioned as one of the best channels to expand the audience and reach a larger number of users.

The important thing to remember when launching this content is to choose several platforms to reach a wider audience.

If you are looking for a new niche market that works, bet on voice marketing, as it is in continuous evolution towards new subscription models that will improve your company’s advertising revenue.