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Why break with a lead? Is it worth it?


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Even though it may seem contradictory, companies must part ways with customers when there is no response, even if it’s a potential lead. The company should be aware of the moment to break ties with a consumer.

But how do we perform this separation ideally? Quite easy, with a breakup email, the issue will be resolved. In this new article, we explain how you should do it.

What is a sales breakup email to a lead?

This email is a message that informs the customer that this will be the last form of contact with the company. This email may seem the wrong way to part ways with a customer since if they do not respond to emails, they won’t respond to this one either.

However, this sales breakup email is a way to say goodbye only to the potential customer and end a relationship in the best possible way. This action can serve as a wake-up call to the consumer to realize what they are losing, allowing us to retain them. On the contrary, it can be the closure of the case with them.

Is it worth sending it?

There are several advantages to sending this email, and one of the most important reasons is to rekindle responses from customers who always ignored you. It is essential to get the most commercial benefit from this closure.

Thus, this email is followed by a series of steps that make the potential customer go through stages:

  1. Unpleasant feeling
  2. Desire to recover what is lost
  3. Recovering something they can no longer have

By going through these steps, the consumer may reconsider the situation and reconnect with the company. If this does not happen, the company will have terminated a relationship with the potential customer in a cordial and sensible manner.

Does sending this type of email have disadvantages?

At the moment this breakup is done, the company cannot contact the customer again, not even after 6 months. Despite having interesting promotions or offers, the company should not send any type of email since it said it would not.

In a study conducted by Woodpecker in 2020 on customer breakups, 20 million breakup emails were sent, showing a response rate for campaigns with 1-3 emails sent of 9%. Similarly, in campaigns with 4 to 7 emails, the rate rose to 27%, indicating that interest can increase due to these types of messages.

Breakup can sometimes be very positive as it gives you more time to invest in customers who are genuinely interested. Here are some reasons why you need to remove some clients from your list:

  1. Zero percent client open rate.
  2. Indecision in signing a contract.
  3. Sudden breakup with the company.

Implementing farewell emails will help you refine your client list.

Need to generate new leads for your company? Feel free to contact us; we are experts in it.

How to write an email to cut ties with a lead?

In this email, we cannot vent all our grievances; leads do not owe us anything, and we must be professional. Just be direct and concise, explain the reasons for the breakup, and wish them the best. Here is the structure you should follow:

  1. Start by writing an effective and attractive subject, thus grabbing the customer’s attention.
  2. The body of the message should be concise and brief, explaining the reasons for the breakup.


Subject: Goodbye from HML


“Hi [Lead’s Name],

I haven’t heard from you in a while.

We last talked about your challenges with [pain point] and how [offer] could help you [achieve a specific goal] during [specific time frame].

Are you still interested in continuing our discussion? If not, let me know so I can stop contacting you.

Wishing you all the best,

[Your Name]”

Mistakes to avoid when sending the message

Do not send an accusatory email or one with a tone of disappointment. Instead, send it wishing the best and hoping that the customer will return soon.

  • Maintain the emotional aspect.
  • Be professional.
  • Avoid blaming the customer for anything.

Implementing farewell emails will help you refine your client list.

Need to generate new leads for your company? Feel free to contact us; we are experts in it.

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