
Digital content? Know what’s best for your business

Are you in doubt about what kind of content is best for your corporation? Read on and find out the best options to route your business digitally. The main thing when creating graphic pieces is to have clear the objective of what we are going to spread, that is why in this article we will […]

digital marketing tools

5 digital marketing tools your company should use

When we implement a marketing strategy, the main thing is to have clear objectives to achieve so that all departments focus on it. But, with the existence of different work areas, it is necessary to be connected and work as a team. Here lies the doubt about which tools will be appropriate for the operation […]

digital marketing plan

How to make an annual digital marketing plan? Examples and advantages

What is a marketing plan? Every digital marketing strategy needs a plan that sets the path of the actions to be carried out. Therefore, when referring to a digital marketing plan, we talk about a document or guide that contains both the analysis of the current situation of the company and the environment in which […]

voice marketing

Voice marketing, your ally in your digital strategy

What does voice marketing consist of? In the last decade, audiovisual content has taken on a leading role in our lives. Most people prefer this type of content, especially the younger ones. Voice marketing is one of the marketing strategies that are emerging in the business world. This type of strategy is based on highlighting […]


Cryptocurrencies, a corporate investment in ancestry

The 2019-2023 period has been a revolution for the finance and investment universe. Bitcoin, we know, has been a major player, although it is only the tip of the iceberg.  If we draw a historical parallel, we can almost say that trading and investing in cryptocurrencies is the “gold rush” of the moment, in reference […]