
Cryptocurrencies, a corporate investment in ancestry

The 2019-2023 period has been a revolution for the finance and investment universe. Bitcoin, we know, has been a major player, although it is only the tip of the iceberg.  If we draw a historical parallel, we can almost say that trading and investing in cryptocurrencies is the “gold rush” of the moment, in reference […]


Interactive content to connect with the customer

In recent years, interactivity has entered companies like a breath of fresh air for customers. Thanks to this system, consumers feel a greater closeness to the company while also experiencing an improvement in the user experience. Active listening to customers is linked to success, so we advise you to implement interactivity in your business to […]


Meet the world of chatbots

Do you know the chatbots that have revolutionized virtual customer service in thousands of companies? Today we tell you all about them in detail.   INDEX  Types of chatbots.  Advantages of chatbots.  Weak points.  Strategies.  How do they work?  Tasks Why implement them in your company?  How to create them?  Best chatbots tools.  Importance of chatbots. […]


Create unique experiences with immersive marketing

In this article we will show you what is immersive marketing, what is this technique, how to apply it to your company, its advantages and some examples to keep you up to date on this subject that has shaken the technological revolution. INDEX What is immersive marketing?  Applications of immersive marketing.  Features.  How to apply […]