Chatbot saludando

Get to know the chatbots world

We all have been in contact with a chatbot at one point or another, either for online shopping or to ask a question. But what are these services really? This tool is the closest artificial intelligence system to our daily lives. Its main purpose is to help users by answering their questions. This device has […]

Inbound marketing strategy how to do it

Conquer your customers through inbound marketing

What is inbound marketing? Since 2005 inbound marketing has not stopped growing, despite being a technique that has been around for years, it is one of the systems that works best in companies. The methodology of this technique is the mix between advertising and marketing to accompany the user from the first contact with the […]

What is bounce rate in email marketing and how can we lower it? 

What is bounce rate in email marketing and how can we lower it? 

Bounce rates measure the percentage or the frequency your emails are “bounced” back  to you. In other words, the email can not reach the intended recipient and, therefore, must  be returned to the sender with a notification of its returned status. Just like the physical mail. From a superficial view it is unfortunate, but not […]