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Neuromarketing: How much does it affect your purchases?

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Google recently published a study on the first impressions of websites. According to this study, the subconscious is responsible for up to 95% of the purchase process of a product. No more and no less than 95%, that is, practically all of us decide which specific product to buy based on the sensations that the brand, the website, the images, etc. generate in us. That is when the “neuromarketing” concept comes into play.

Knowing this, it is time to consider how to get this subconscious on our side. The way to achieve this is through neuromarketing. This type of marketing uses our brain’s reactions to certain inputs to determine which actions and elements have the greatest influence on our purchasing process.

We can draw strategies based on this system. This will help us to position ourselves in the online market or increase our sales. To do this we must take into account elements such as the design of our website, images, and text, the delivery of our products or the emotions that our brand generates.


Design for neuromarketing


The design of your website is one of the things that most affect your sales on a subconscious level. Actually, on a subconscious and conscious level. An unpleasant, poorly designed or incorrect design can really repulse you. No matter how good your product is, a bad design generates distrust in your customers, since having a neglected website is a sign of unreliability.

On a subconscious level, one of the things that affects us the most, without realizing it, are colors. For online commerce, light colors are the stars. It is true that it is fashionable to use dark colors, and in certain cases they work, however, analyzing it from a neurological point of view, light colors have a greater acceptance, especially white, since it transmits confidence.

Another element to take in consideration is neuromarketing in images. Of course you must use quality and professional looking images. A bad picture, without quality, blurred, etc. generates a lot of distrust and creates in our mind the thought that this is a bad product. Choose good images, where the product can be seen well and that have no background.


The text and its relationship with the subconscious mind


Simplify, so your texts are not boring. Unconsciously, if we find it unpleasant, our brain will not want to read it. We prefer to spend that time looking for another product with a more appropriate text. Avoid using texts that are too long, poorly structured or not very aesthetic. The text, besides providing information, serves to support the image, but if we do it badly, it will have the opposite effect.

The text must describe the product well, but make sure it is brief, clear and simple. Also, add a list of features, as it is very visual and our subconscious will appreciate being able to receive all the information effortlessly. Naturally, use the appropriate writing rules, do not make spelling mistakes, adjust the size of the letters, the separation between lines, etc. The format of the text is essential in neuromarketing.


Enhancing the neuronal connection to shipping


One of the first customer concerns that online commerce generated was the payment method. Nowadays, this concern has not disappeared, but it has been pushed down to second place. At the top of the list of customer concerns are shipping and refunds.

Make it clear what your policy is regarding this issue, as well as how shipping works in your company. I mean, clearly state how to return the product if necessary, when the shipment will arrive to your customers, through which delivery company, how they can track the package, etc. It is important when it comes to generating security.

For a good neuromarketing strategy, the package is also very important. Many companies do not pay attention to this, they consider that once the sale has been made, what happens afterwards is not important. Big mistake! The packaging is very important because it really helps to build customer loyalty. It is not the same to receive an ugly cardboard box bruised by the trip than one with color, text and well decorated.

As for the contents of the package, try to get it right. It is important to appeal to the senses and feelings of your customers. For example, you can inform them that the materials used to make the box are sustainable, add some kind of discount coupon, a personalized thank-you note for their purchase, an item that provides a nice smell, and anything else you can think of.

Emotions as the key to neuromarketing


At a subconscious level, certain elements such as images, sounds, textures, smells or flavours awaken specific feelings in us. That is why your brand must be associated with emotions. For example, don’t you feel nostalgia and love when you smell the scent of your grandparents’ house? Or when you see a toy you used to play with as a child? Well, that is exactly what we have to achieve with our brand.

I have to admit that this is not easy, in fact, it is the most complicated point. It requires more imagination than anything we have mentioned so far. As for the previous ones, there are certain parameters that can help us to generate what will promote our sales, but as for this one, we have to be more creative.

In this case, good marketing is essential. To achieve this, you must carry out advertising campaigns that transmit the identity of the company, its ethical values and the feelings or emotions that your customers will get if they buy from you. Let’s look at three examples depending on each of them.


  • Identity: to convey the company’s identity, we can look at the case of the Apple brand. Specifically its slogan “Think different”. This slogan is easily recognizable and perfectly summarizes the image that the company wants to give of itself. It is a declaration of intentions.
  • Ethical values: to convey moral values we will see the case of Netflix. This company is famous for its transgressive and committed advertising. It uses these values to attract the attention and loyalty of a specific audience, one that identifies with these characteristics, a transgressive, profressive target with social concerns.
  • Feelings and emotions: to exemplify the transmission of feelings and emotions, let’s think about the ads of the brand Goiko. It is common in the ads of this brand to give special focus to their products, with people eating their hamburgers. On one hand, they transmit the pleasurable sensation of eating their products and the emotion of enjoying with loved ones.


And you, have you ever thought about this? When comparing two brands, do you pay attention to the colors, the texts or the emotions they generate or do you make your purchases based on rational data? We want to know your opinion! Leave us your answer or your doubts in the comments section and we will get back to you as soon as possible.


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