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Learning in the workplace

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The pandemic has changed the way of working in all sectors, this is a fact. Telework or hybrid format is a reality that has come to the life of most workers to stay.

In this new article, based on a new Udemy,study, we show you all the changes that have been experienced in the workplace, the skills that have been demanded in 2021 and the development and learning of each of them.

The quest for productivity has been a difficult road due to this new way of working. This change has left its mark on many employees as they have had to adapt to this new challenge.

According to a study by Udemy, 9 out of 10 executives say that their workers face large skills gaps and expect them to have skills development in the coming years.

Employee engagement is essential when it comes to strengthening the company. To keep this trait intact, great bosses must encourage investment in their employees. These employees will be supported by their employers and will remain with the company.

Moreover, if employees feel that they are supported by the company, they will continue to train and learn, which will mean that the company will have the best talent with the skills that are increasingly in demand.

Investing in workforce development will increase productivity, commitment and business satisfaction. This is why you should invest in your employees and you will get great results.


Skills development in 2021

Power skills

According to a McKinsey Global Institute study it doesn’t matter what industry you are in, what geographic area you are in or what occupation as every employee in the company must possess certain characteristics: working in a digital environment, adapting to change and adding value to the work beyond what machines can do.

The growth of telecommuting has highlighted four elements that are necessary in your business:

  • Teamwork and communication

Zoom was the platform of choice during 2020. This application was paramount to the development of teamwork. It is gaining more and more traction in the workplace as it allows you to stay in touch with colleagues despite distance. Microsoft Teams was another of the most used applications in 2021. The interest in strengthening relationships and teamwork results in the increased use of these applications. The best skills of this 2021:


Teamwork and communication
Teamwork and communication

Fuente: Undemy.

  • Leadership and management

These skills are increasingly in demand regardless of whether the person has leadership ambitions or not. Thanks to the development of this characteristic employees are able to overcome more obstacles along the way. Here we leave you the top skills this 2021 in the field of leadership and management:

Leadership and management
Leadership and management

Fuente: Undemy.

  • Productivity and collaboration

This is one of the most important characteristics since due to teleworking we tend to think that it decreases notably. For this, it is important to always keep in mind the collaboration with the team despite the place in the world where we are. Computer work, as we can see, is fundamental for the development of this skill. Different skills have grown in this area, such as those shown below:


Fuente: Undemy.

  • Personal development and well-being

Personal and professional life today are intertwined, so it is important that the company takes care of the professional so that they have a broader personal development and feel greater desire to grow in the world of work. The skills that have been most developed in this area are the following:

Personal development and well-being
Personal development and well-being
  • Technical and tactical skills

As we mentioned earlier, 2021 has meant large-scale business growth due to the number of obstacles that have come in the way. This has led to the development of qualitative skills such as those we have told you about in the previous section.

But, in addition to this development, the bet on the technological world is increasing due to its business applications and the benefits that are obtained thanks to it. In this list we count the sectors in which there has been a greater development and which has benefited the company.

  • Business intelligence
  • Design and user experience
  • Finance and accounting
  • Human talent managment
  • Marketing
  • Project management
  • Sales and customer experience
  • Cybersecurity
  • Data science
  • Cloud computing
  • IT operations
  • Software development

No matter what type of skills your employees have in mind to improve, the essential thing is that they focus on a specific field, this will have its results in the company. The culture of internal learning is one of the elements that the business should foster in its employees, and each employee should be able to identify existing skills gaps and address them proactively and immediately. This task will have enormous benefits for the company and for the employee’s professional development.


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