LinkedIn, invitations for your company’s growth


Learn about LinkedIn invitations, send them to your contacts to grow your business and make the most of this great networking tool.

LinkedIn introduced a growth tool called invitations, this will allow you to increase the number of followers of your business page by sending messages to your personal contacts.

Initially this feature appeared on profiles with few contacts, probably to avoid massive spam. Thus, our content editor with 100+ contacts could already invite her friends.

While our CEO with 1700+ contacts had to wait 3 more months to test the functionality, it is a tool that promises to expand and create new alliances. 

At HelloMrLead we have been using the tool for almost 3 months and we have managed not only to increase the number of followers, but also to learn how to use it 100%.

The results have been favorable and we have increased the number of followers from 311 to 561, a total of 250 people. Now, we give you some of our tricks so that you too can move forward. 

5 tips for using LinkedIn invitations

1. Credits: Each business page has “credits” – 100 per month – to exchange 1 credit for 1 invite. When someone accepts, you get 1 credit back so you can use it again.

Every last day of the month (May 31, June 30…) your 100 credits are renewed, the challenge is to invite at the beginning of the month the people who are likely to accept and leave the contacts who are less likely to be interested at the end.

As you can see, if we have obtained 250 new followers in 3 months (x100 credits per month), we have been very successful with the strategy. 

2. The daily limit of invitations: Originally you could only invite 25 people a day, but in June they have removed the limit so now you can do it without putting a brake on your strategy.

3. Lack of automation: Don’t waste your time with people who do something similar to you, look for strategic allies that allow you to create alliances, that is, improve the QUALITY of the invitations.

4. Increased engagement: If your actions keep you with the same or lower engagement you should make more effort with the quality of content, regularity of posting, automated disclosure and other tricks that encourage followers to interact.

5. The manual task: Keep track of the people you have approached, when searching for contacts it is important to maintain a follow-up posture towards them.

Create a list of contacts, mark those who have already responded effectively, those who are still on your waiting list and especially those who are not interested but are still targets for you.

Although this is a manual task that can take time, it will allow you to keep an order and create several strategies on how to approach and retarget those people who may not have been attracted to your content in the past.

Remember that the clearer and more classified you have these contacts, the better analysis of opportunities and improvements you will be able to demonstrate for your LinkedIn management.

In conclusion

LinkedIn invitations are a tool with the following characteristics:

  1. Free
  2. Efficient
  3. Easy to use
  4. Not abundant.

Combined with a good content strategy and common sense it provides the greatest reach. 

There is another postponed effect, since from a certain number the page will appear higher in searches and the growth will be more organic and easier. 

Do you already use this resource and are you getting good results? If you want to get good leads in your company or organization remember that we are experts in the field, contact us by clicking here and make your company grow.